Arulnathan John
1 min readNov 8, 2016


The tendency to see dads this way was furthered by the 2008 recession, which left many men unemployed or underemployed. Trying economic times have exacerbated the sense, in households and in the culture at large, that the bubble of postwar masculinity has finally burst, and patriarchal power is in steep decline. That’s left a lot of men feeling humiliated, lost, and pissed. (It’s the heady emotional brew currently on vivid display at Trump rallies.)

These statements unfortunately have a ring of truth all over the world and much as I don’t like how it has been written, the facts speak for themselves. Men and women will need to make their own individual or collective journeys to find their identities and how they are meant to synergise, not antagonise. Then we will be on the way to a solution or resolution.



Arulnathan John

Loves storytelling in all its forms, from books to movies to videos and all else. Life is a story and I want to fill each chapter with life or lives well lived